Together in Christ

April 29th, 2019

RG AUDIO 042919


Ephesians 3:1-13

Look around and you will find two groups of people at odds. Rich and poor, black and white, left and right, legal and illegal, traditional and contemporary, Jew and Gentile. And, there are Christians on both sides.

Paul speaks into this division and says, no more! Our belief in the gospel, in Jesus, erases the divide. We are now and forever more one Body, unified in the mission of God to love Him and serve others. It may seem impossible for groups to avoid being at odds, but we are reminded with God all things are possible!

It’s actually good news that there are Christians on both sides of many of the issues we face. Because of this mystery revealed to Paul—this oneness, this unity—we have the hope of reconciliation and restoration. As we live into the kingdom of God, let us be reminded that we are one in Christ, a reconciling people, a people of restoration, and heirs together with all who believe.

Author: Mindy Alsworth


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