Our Weakness, God’s Strength

March 7th, 2019

RG AUDIO 030719


2 Corinthians 12:1-10

What is your greatest weakness? It is a question employers like to ask of job applicants, and a difficult one to answer. We do not like to admit our weaknesses, especially to people we are trying to impress, such as a potential employer.

Paul knew his own weakness and worried that it hindered his ability to further the kingdom. No matter how much he asked, God would not remove his weakness, rather God worked through Paul and his weakness to further the Gospel. God’s grace was at work in all areas of his life, even his weaknesses.

We may not see any good in our weaknesses, and wish, as Paul did, for them to be removed from us. Yet, it is often in and through our weaknesses God is most able to work. God’s grace is amazing in that it is through our weaknesses, God is able to shine forth. God can truly been seen when God brings God’s own strength to the places we are weakest. Where we are weak, God is strong. God’s grace can most clearly be seen to be sufficient in all things.

Author: Kazimiera Fraley

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