Love in Action
February 23rd, 2019
Romans 12:1-10
Who’s going first? Depending on what they are going first for, my boys may or may not volunteer. If we are visiting the dentist, I may not have any volunteers eager to go first. However, if the boy who volunteers gets ice cream first I may have to choose between the two.
Just like a group of small school children, we often try to scramble to the front when lining up in life. “Me first!” may be one of our first phrases. Looking out for ourselves is a natural bent that God transforms as we follow him.
Loving others isn’t easy. Putting someone ahead of yourself (especially when it’s situations like ice cream rather than the dentist) takes God’s grace working in and through our lives. While its difficult, it’s not impossible. Honoring others above ourselves begins strictly in our daily walk with the Lord. If this suffers then we will struggle to love others as God calls us to.
Reflect on your interactions with your neighbors. Where have you been able to put them before yourself? What are some ways you can further spread God’s grace? Pray that his grace will overflow in your life.
Author: Stefanie Hendrickson