God Does Not Forget

August 31st, 2018

RG AUDIO 083118


Exodus 2:11-25

There our times in our lives where it feels like God has forgotten us. It is hard for us to see God at work in those moments. I imagine the Israelites must have felt this way. God had promised to make them a great nation, yet here they were toiling in slavery, their children being murdered. Does God even care?

It is in the middle of this moment that God sets things into motion with Moses. Despite being raised an Egyptian, Moses sees the suffering of the Hebrews and decides to act. This action drives him into the desert where he encounters God, is empowered, and sent back to free his people from Pharaoh.

God was making a way to free his people even though they could not see it. When we have moments where we feel God has abandoned us, we can look to Exodus 2. That just like God had not forgotten the Israelites in their suffering, God has not forgotten us and is working in ways that we cannot see yet. May God comfort us in our suffering and let us know that we are not forgotten.

Author: Stephanie Malcom


2 Responses to “God Does Not Forget”

  1. Gary Says:

    September 2nd, 2018 at 9:04 am

    Excellent thoughts on God’s Truth. So encouraging!
    Thank you.
    PS: I think your publication is so good it deserves an “app.” You’re probably working on it right now.
    God Bless The Foundry.

  2. Mike Wonch Says:

    September 4th, 2018 at 9:46 am

    Thank you for your comments and suggestion.

    Have a great day!

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