Confidence In The Call
August 7th, 2018
Jeremiah 36:11-19
I am an ordained minister. I will never forget as I was working toward my ordination having to sit in front of a panel of ordained ministers to give an account of my spiritual and educational journey. The blood rushes out of your head as you pretend to be calm, cool, and collected. My comfort and assurance was the unmistakable call upon my life. I was right where God wanted me but it sure felt dangerous.
Can you imagine what Baruch must have felt like when he heard the words of that counsel telling him to read the letter to them? He had already read it once and now he was before all the officials presenting them with the bad news. I remember sitting before the “officials” for ordination feeling very alone and vulnerable. I can’t imagine what Baruch was feeling.
When you know that God is leading, regardless of the intensity of the situation, you can carry on with confidence that it is God’s plan. Difficult circumstances will cause us to question our purpose but confidence in God’s call will give the strength to endure.
Author: Mike Rhodabarger