A Minister of Encouragement
February 16th, 2018
Acts 11:19-30
In my first pastorate, my office was in the former parsonage. I would often hear the front door open and steps approaching. There would be a gentle tap on my office door, then the face of Brother Hamilton would appear. He was in his 80s, a former farm boy who was literally called from the field to serve Christ. He had served mostly small rural congregations. “I liked to get them small and build them up,” he would say.
“I can see you’re busy. I just stopped by to say a word of prayer for you, and then I’ll be gone.” We would bow our heads. “Heavenly Father, we thank Thee for bringing our Brother here to be our pastor. Bless Him with Thy Spirit and guide Him as He studies Thy Word. Keep His heart close to Thee. Bless his dear family and provide for their needs. All this we pray in Jesus’ wonderful name. Amen.” He would shake my hand and say, “We appreciate you.” Then he was gone.
I never used Brother Hamilton’s first name; it wasn’t the fashion for his generation. Nevertheless, he was my Barnabas, my “son of encouragement.”
Author: Duane Brush