True To The Faith
July 19th, 2017
Acts 14:19-28
Life changing “Damascus moments” became the norm as Paul and the disciples preached. God increased their faith as they put it into action, revealing Himself as a miracle-working God. In Lystra a man who had never walked, jumped up and started walking! (Acts 14:8-10). Not everyone was convinced. Some conspired, started rumors, and created division. Still others put their faith in the flesh, glorifying God’s messengers rather than allowing His message to penetrate their hearts.
In one moment, they were worshipping Paul and Barnabas as gods. In the next, Paul was stoned and left as dead. The disciples encouraged one another to stay true to the faith.
I’m sure these new pastors had their work cut out for them. As leaders, they would have followers. Some would put their trust in the messenger. Some would experience life-changing Damascus moments. Others would cause division. Yet, the message was handed down to us through the steadfast Christians who trusted the Lord and remained true to the faith.
Author: Cynthia Stiverson