God’s Purposeful Process
February 27th, 2017
Exodus 5:22—6:8
Have you ever noticed how God typically begins small and works toward the larger? For instance, God made the world in seven days (Genesis 1–2). He began with light, then the expanse of the sky, waters, and land, stars and planets, fish, birds, animals, and finally people–two to be exact, one of each gender. God embraced the creation process.
God called Abraham, one man, declaring that through him all the nations of the world would be blessed–not then, but later (chap. 12). When it came to salvation, like creation, God embraced the process.
Israel, the children of Abraham, were powerless stateless slaves. Yet, God chose them for His own. He would deliver them, establish His covenant with them, and give them a homeland. Once again, God embraced the process.
It is good for us to remember, when we become anxious or impatient, that God is at work in the process to help us become His “own people.”
Author: Duane Brush