Revenge Solves Nothing

November 15th, 2016

RG AUDIO 111516


2 Samuel 13:15-29

“It isn’t fair,” my client cried. “He abused me and got away with it. Where is the justice?” She was correct. Her boyfriend had emotionally abused her and destroyed their relationship, but when she asked for justice, it was a matter of hearsay. Her boyfriend refused to admit the truth.

The only thing I could say was, “God is just, and in the end your boyfriend will have to stand before God and explain what he has done to you.”

Amnon sinned against his sister, Tamar, and justice should have been carried out. King David should have disciplined his son. Yet, that did not happen. So her brother Absalom took it on himself to carry out the judgment, but only after two years had passed.

Absalom carried that vengeance in his heart for two long years and waited for the perfect opportunity to plot his brother’s murder. That hard place of bitterness and vengeance surely destroyed Absalom’s peace and affected his relationship with God.

No matter what happens to us, vengeance is not our responsibility.

Author: Rebecca Thesman


One Response to “Revenge Solves Nothing”

  1. Rosita Palomo Says:

    November 15th, 2016 at 9:04 pm

    Dearly beloved, avenge not yourselves, but rather give place unto wrath: for it is written Vengeance is mine; I will repay, saith the Lord. Rom 12:19

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