Like Minds
October 5th, 2016
1 Samuel 10:1-8
In the business world, there are lots of meetings. You can have so many meetings that it can be downright painful. While the meetings are not always pleasant, they keep everyone on the same page. When you leave a meeting, you should know which direction you should be going and which action items should be completed before the next meeting. In a good meeting, everyone should understand what is expected of them by the end.
The same can be said of Saul after leaving his meeting with the prophet Samuel and God. It was so personal and real that you might say they had “like minds.” They all shared the same goals. Samuel was so confident that he told Saul, “Get busy and see how God is going to work in it” (author’s paraphrase).
We should have daily meetings with God. As our mind becomes more like God’s mind during these meetings, we know that God will bless our efforts to further God’s kingdom on this earth. When we walk so closely with God, we can be assured that God is with us. It is in this state of constant communion with God that we find His spirit working miracles in us.
Author: Gary Huff