From Dust To Dust

August 24th, 2016

RG AUDIO 082416


Mark 4:10-20

Genesis 2 tells us we came from the dust of the ground. From dust we came and to dust our bodies will return someday. In the meantime, we are God’s planting field. In “The Parable of the Sower” (Mark 4:1-20) Jesus calls us just what we are: dirt! We are the soil in which God calls forth new life. Dirt, on its own, cannot make a plant grow. Without sunshine and rain even the most fertile soil would be lifeless.

How easily we forget from where we have come! We worry over the trappings and adornments of our dirt piles. We desire bigger and better accommodations for our manure. And what’s worse, the very things for which we long deceive us, leading us to believe that wealth can do what only God can do: create life where there is none.

Let the God who spoke sunlight into existence and who brought the rain from His storehouse tend to the soil of your life. Open your life to receive the warmth of the Father and fresh rain from the Spirit so the Word of life can take root in you.

Author: Shawna Songer Gaines

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