Patience For Suffering
August 20th, 2016
James 5:7-20
God’s Word tells us there will be suffering. The way of the cross is not always an easy path. To grow in our faith we must develop the discipline of patience. We will experience seasons of disappointment, discouragement and for some, great sorrow. The Apostle James encourages us to “be patient and stand firm” (James 5:8). That word “patient” implies “long suffering.” Long suffering challenges us to handle our suffering without grumbling or complaint. The mature Christian will keep a focus on Christ trusting in His love.
Living a patient, long suffering life in Christ happens because we know Jesus will one day make everything right. We build long-suffering lives by not giving Satan an opportunity. We must flee from anything that compromises our hope. We develop patience because we keep our focus on the reality that Jesus is coming again. We no longer have to live a life defined by the lies of Satan. We can be strong and steadfast because Jesus is our hope. Jesus is coming again!
Author: Charlotte Evans