Great Faithfulness

July 27th, 2015

RG AUDIO 072715


Lamentations 3:13-33

It’s a fact: None of us like to suffer. Nevertheless, if we live in this world, at one moment or another, we will experience suffering. Jesus did not deceive us about this matter. He said, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.” (John 16:33).

When all who surround us seek instant gratification and pleasure, those who are suffering tend to feel excluded. However, this is not the reality in God’s Kingdom. Most every man and woman in the Bible experienced suffering, and yet, realizing it or not, God still worked through their suffering to fulfill His wonderful plan of grace!

When times of suffering come it is important to keep in mind the things that bring us hope (Lamentations 3:21): that God is love and He still loves us. He does not forsake those who trust in Him. He is our faithful deliverer. Every morning we wake up His great compassion is renewed in our lives. That is exactly what we need to make it through one more day. This is how we can bring Him glory, in spite of any pain we might experience, for “great is His faithfulness” (Lamentations 3:23).

Author: Tabita Rothmann Gonzalez


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