Boldly Shaken
May 28th, 2015
Acts 4:23-31
We’ve all asked why God allows natural disasters such as earthquakes. We believers can be students of science but we also know God is not bound to science. Earthquakes vary in kind, and the church in Acts 4 can attest to that.
The continuous progress of the church in Acts didn’t occur without opposition. People listened attentively to the apostle’s message while the Sanhedrin council feared the implications of the Gospel teachings. In order to protect their established power they plotted against these men. Bold in witness, Peter and John were equally courageous in prayer. They and the other Christians filled their minds with divine sovereignty. United before God, they didn’t pray for protection but asked for additional boldness, power–and essentially more trouble! They were given an earthquake as a sign of God’s pleasure. This only made them stronger. Unshaken by their circumstances, they received renewed boldness through the power of the Holy Spirit.
We all face opposition. Let us follow their model of prayer. We certainly may ask God to remove our difficulty. Yet we must recognize that often He will leave the problem and instead give us the strength and courage to handle it.
Author: Kimberly Davidson