Free At Last!
March 26th, 2015
Paul pictures a footrace when he asks, “Who cut in on you?” (Galatians 5:7b). He strongly defends Christian freedom from the law. Jews were enslaving Gentiles with rituals, like circumcision. “The only reason they do this is to avoid being persecuted for the cross of Christ” (6:12b). Imagine that! They would rather come under the knife, than identify with Christ.
In Christ the requirements of the law have been fulfilled. Paul teaches a new covenant relationship Christians have through God’s grace. Those trying to make a good impression outwardly were degrading Christ’s sacrifice. He died that we might have freedom! Free to be slaves to Christ, not the law.
“Free slaves,” that is an oxymoron. Being a slave to Christ’s example brings true freedom. Free from rule keeping. Free to serve. If one is yoked, he is not free. He is obligated and estranged from Christ; captured by something other than Christ. Don’t let the agitator “cut in on you,” figuratively.
Christ had the final surgery. He came under the knife so we would not have to.
Author: Becky Gray