Sneak Peak
November 2nd, 2014
Micah 4:1-13
How do you explain the timetable of God to people who track days and weeks? You give them a sneak peek of the final chapter. “Lift up your eyes,” Micah seems to say, “and read the good ending.” The current devastation we see in Micah 4 is not the end of it all; this is just a chapter in a much longer story. The people are facing deportation to Babylon because of their apostasy. Their dreams and promises have come crashing down, along with Jerusalem’s defenses. They are despised and writhing in agony. “In the last days,” says the prophet–this is not the end of the story. The end of the story will be good; and not just good for God’s chosen people, but for all nations. Remember, Micah says, this is not your story; you are not the hero. This is God’s story, and He will be exalted in the end. Lift up your eyes. This is not a timetable measured by our days and weeks. God is accomplishing the redemption of it all, and of us all, on His own schedule.. The final chapter is coming.
Author: Dave Roller