We Can All Be Generous

October 21st, 2014

RG AUDIO 102114


1 Kings 17:7-24

During a great drought, God led the prophet Elijah to ask a poor widow for some water. Though she was badly malnourished, she graciously went to get some for him. Then Elijah also asked for a piece of bread. Tearfully she informed the prophet that she only had a handful of flour and a few drops of oil. She was gathering firewood to cook a loaf of bread for herself and her son before they died of hunger. Elijah tested her faith by asking her to split that final loaf into three portions.

It is right and good for the wealthy to be generous, but should the poor be exempt from the responsibility to help others? Recently our Cuban brothers and sisters in Christ gave a compassionate gift to help Haitian people after a disastrous and devastating earthquake. The dollar amount of the gift might seem small, but we would not stand a chance if equal sacrifice were required of us.

God protected the widow and her son because of her willingness to be compassionate despite her circumstances. As Jesus reminds us, “It is more blessed to give than to receive” (Acts 20:35b).

Author: Jerry D. Porter

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