There Is A Right Way
May 10th, 2014
Isaiah 35:1-10
The writer of Isaiah describes a highway winding through a place once barren wilderness, which now blooms and flourishes with springs, grasses and reeds. Commentators vary on the interpretation of this place and its “way.” The version I prefer includes the contrast between the growing Christian and those who foolishly choose evil.
Just last week I sat, pen and pad in hand, on the stone wall near the entrance to King Herod’s palace in Masada, Israel. As far as could be seen on the distant horizon, there was the brown and rocky Judean wilderness, full of dry bleached sands and colorless hills. It is difficult to imagine this arid place blooming with flowers, covered with grassy jade meadows, and meandering springs.
That kind of transformation is the specialty of our King. He brings forth springs of joy and meadows of contentment. There is a way there, which is called the Way of Holiness. The journey through is not without misstep, but all about are the promises of springs in the desert.
Author: Donna Bordelon Alder