A Life that Honors God

February 23rd, 2014

RG 022314 AUDIO

Psalm 141

When did prayer become a “wish list” of things that we want God to do for us? Too often we spend time in prayer meetings taking prayer requests and the result is a long list of body parts that need a special touch. While this is not bad, and God really does care about our physical needs, maybe we should be concerned that this has become the focus of our prayer lives.

The psalmist sees prayer in another light. For those who are walking deeper with the Lord, their prayers become something altogether different. No longer is there a “wish list” but prayer becomes an offering of thanks and praise. Prayer becomes a place of intimacy in our relationship with God and our conversation is received as a sweet aroma or incense that warms the very heart of our Lord.

It is in this intimate place that God’s heart is united with our heart and we are transformed into His likeness. The result is that we are changed and the very acts of our daily lives become a sacrifice before Him. God looks on His children, and He is pleased.

Author: Carla D. Sunberg


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