Solid Testimony about Jesus
February 22nd, 2014
John 5:31-47
The early church had a great number of martyrs who were willing to die for their faith. Julitta was a young woman who did not shirk from her faith and we are told that at the time of her death she came eagerly to the flames. As she waited on the moment of death, she spoke out publicly, giving witness of her faith in Jesus Christ. Saint Basil the Great gives us this glimpse of the final moment of her life. “When she had said these things, she was taken to the fire, which enveloped the body of the holy woman like some luminous inner chamber, and sent her soul to the heavenly country, even to the portion that befitted her.”*
The Greek word for testimony or witness is martyr. Jesus’ very life and works were a testimony that the Father had sent Him. Jesus was the ultimate martyr for the faith, His death being the final testimony of His faithfulness to the Father and the resultant salvation for you and for me. Somehow this wasn’t enough for the people of Jesus’ day. May it be enough for you and me today!
* Basil, Homily on the Martyr Julitta (PG 31:237–262 Specifically PG 31.241ab) trans. Silvas. A special thanks to Anna Silvas for personally providing me with this recent translation.
Author: Carla D. Sunberg