Seek God’s Wisdom
February 9th, 2014
Proverbs 8:1-21
The term wisdom has some varied descriptions. Most usually these words are used to attempt a definition: knowledge or insight, experience, understanding, common sense. Perhaps all of these word meanings are best combined to understand what constitutes wisdom. It is similar to the combination of gauges John Wesley used to come to a theological conclusion–scripture, tradition, reason, and experience. If an issue, idea, or circumstance did not violate scripture, if it was, and had been, the tradition of the Christian Church, if it was sound in reason assisted by the influence of the Holy Spirit, and the personal experience of Christian witness, Wesley considered it theologically viable. Similarly, the interaction of knowledge, insight, experience, understanding, and common sense is presumed to constitute wisdom.
Challenge to Holy Living
“Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled” (Matt. 5:6). Those who seek God’s wisdom are never disappointed in what they find.
Author: Richard H. Neiderhiser