The Source of Spiritual Wisdom

February 8th, 2014

RG 020814 AUDIO

1 Corinthians 2:10b-16

In Charles Dickens’s Great Expectations, a young orphan boy, Pip, lived with his nagging and angry sister. One day, in his early teens, Pip was told that a generous benefactor had arranged for him to receive a gentleman’s education in London, and had established a stipend to care for his lifestyle as a proper British gentleman. He was truly a young man with “great expectations.” Not until after a series of complex issues in his life did he discover that his benefactor was an escaped prisoner whom he, as a young lad, had once befriended. His benefactor had unleashed the real potential for a good and generous gentleman in a hapless boy captured by poverty and abuse.

Challenge to Holy Living

Spiritual wisdom is a gift from God. It comes to those in whom the Spirit of God has been unleashed. Life without the Spirit leaves us in spiritual poverty relying on human wisdom to navigate the schemes and sometimes wretched fortunes of life. The source of spiritual wisdom is the Spirit of God who is in Christ Jesus.

Author: Richard H. Neiderhiser

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