Grace In Action

April 23rd, 2013

RG AUDIO 042313


Psalm 103:1-12

God is a God of action. One of the distinguishing marks of Christianity is the belief that God is actively involved in creation. God’s involvement in creation happens through his grace.

A helpful question to ask when reading a passage of scripture is, “What is God doing here?” Psalm 103 is chock-full of God’s actions. Look at the verbs: God forgives, heals, redeems, crowns, satisfies, and renews. God works righteousness and justice. He shows compassion and graciousness. He relents from accusation and anger, does not give people what they deserve, and removes their transgressions. God is doing a lot in this psalm!

Why does God do all this? The answer is found in verse 11: “For as high as the heavens are above the earth, so great is his love for those who fear him.” God’s gracious actions are motivated by his all-encompassing love.

Grace is love in action. God is involved in the mess of human life. He gets dirt under his fingernails, pain in his heart, and nails through his hands.

Author: Mark A. Hendrickson

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