Dying To Live

March 31st, 2013

RG AUDIO 033113

John 12:20-36

The eastern part of Oregon is one of the largest producers of onions. That’s right–onions. And lots of them! It is this time of year that the farmers are out preparing the fields for planting. I recently learned that onion seeds are very expensive. The seeds are very small yet some can sell as much as $1,000 for 5 gallons! Now, think of the farmer who is planting these expensive seeds. He has to “let go” of these tiny priceless seeds and place them in the soil. Only then will he get a harvest!

So it is with life. Jesus said that unless a seed is planted or “dies,” it will be useless sitting in the bucket. Of course, Christ is speaking of himself. He is facing the cross. But he is also looking beyond the cross to the new life through the resurrection. Then Jesus “brings it home” to us. He states that if you love this life, you will lose it. It is only when we gain a perspective that if we “let go” now of earthly things, that we will gain eternity.

Author: Tom Cook

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