Asked And Answered

March 13th, 2013

RG AUDIO 031313

John 9:13-23

The formerly blind man was now on his third round of questioning by those who were angry with Jesus. He never failed to give a straight answer even though there was reason to fear a truthful response. One would expect to find the poor fellow’s parents rejoicing with him and his new eyes. He was blind from birth after all. But even they were afraid of the hostility and dodged an opportunity to acknowledge Jesus as the Messiah.

The healed man had been asked and faithfully answered with the truth. He could have said, “Is that the sky? I thought it would be closer,” or “Wow, a smile really is different than a frown.” He had lots of options. He could have blamed his healing on magic or invented a story of mystery and suspense. But, when asked, he simply answered with the truth, “I was blind but now I see.” Jesus accomplishes total reversal. He moves people from lost to found. “This one thing I do know. I was in sin, but now I am free!”

Author: Mark Lail



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