Obedience Trumps Self-Doubt
February 11th, 2013
2 Corinthians 8:1-9
After hearing Paul’s lavish compliment that the Corinthians excelled in everything, how could they refuse his request? How do we know if love is the basis of our giving? Are our motives always pure when it comes to giving? Is it wrong to have ulterior motives?
In my early teaching career a faculty member experienced a whiplash injury and returned to work wearing a neck brace. I thought about preparing some food for her and her husband. Then the struggle started–what was my motive for doing this? Would she think I was seeking her favor? Wonder if they did not like cherry pie and gelatin salad? What would other faculty think if they saw me bringing in this food?
In a defiant voice I finally said, “I don’t care what my motive is, I am going to bake that pie and make that salad.” A day later she returned my carrier and wrote, “How did you know cherry is my husband’s favorite pie? How great it was to go home, fix some meat, and have a meal ready.”
This was a watershed experience for me. It has prompted many more meals for others. I’m still not always sure of my motives.
Author: Patricia Kissell
February 11th, 2013 at 8:35 am
“How do we know if love is the basis of our giving?”
It may not be, but questioning points the relationship in the right direction.
In evaluating, we may find that we give out of fear of what others may think, rather than the fear of what God knows.
It is the desire to please God that reaps the greater blessing of being “a happy giver.” The joy grows when we realize that we are letting go of the material blessings that money can buy for the spiritual blessings that giving brings. It also begins the release of money as our god – a necessity for loving God with our heart, mind and soul.