Focused On Christ Our Hope
January 31st, 2013
John 17:6-26
Compared to his brother, Simon Peter, there are few biblical references to Andrew. We know he was a fisherman, disciple, evangelist, and apostle. Early church traditions tell us Andrew spent many years in Asia Minor and in countries around the Black Sea spreading the gospel despite great danger and persecution. He traveled into Greece fearlessly preaching the good news. Finally, he was seized by authorities and condemned to death.
He was scourged with rods then led to his execution. The chosen method was a cross shaped like an X. When the aged apostle saw the cross he proclaimed his delight to follow his Lord in death by crucifixion. He knelt and prayed then briefly exhorted those nearby to continue in their faith. He was tied to the cross with cords, dying a slow, agonizing death over two whole days and nights. With his last breaths he continued praising, praying, and preaching. Andrew, along with countless other martyrs, fixed his eyes on heavenly realms.
May we also have the courage to persevere to the end with our eyes and hearts focused on another world.
Author: Joyce Williams