When the Retreat has Retreated
March 16th, 2012
RG AUDIO 031612Matthew 14:27-31
Peter could be the coach in the locker room at halftime. What a speech of confidence, friendship, and true loyalty. If we were to map out Peter’s life without the knowledge of what was to take place near the palace gate (John 18:25-27), we would be on the same page. We would say, “Amen, Peter! Preach it!” The test of Peter’s true loyalty would be coming soon but, for now, Peter was Christ’s best assistant coach and cheerleader.
How many times have we said, “I will never deny you!” after a great revival or spiritual retreat? As everyday life proceeds, we find ourselves surrounded by scoffers and doubters. Our fervor is tested like Peter’s. Sadly, we too easily get our eyes off the Savior and succumb to the attitudes around us.
Once again, we are reminded: Andrew said, “We have found the Messiah.” Peter said, “You are the Christ.” Now we must keep learning what it means to live daily in the Messiah.