Believing is Seeing

December 2nd, 2011

RG AUDIO 120211Luke 10:21-24

In Luke 9 Jesus sent out the 12 apostles to preach the kingdom of God. In Luke 10 he sends out six dozen more disciples to proclaim, “The kingdom of God is near to you” (v. 9). This group “returned with joy” exclaiming, “Lord, even the demons submit to us in your name” (v. 17). Jesus shared in their rejoicing but cautioned them, “do not rejoice that the spirits submit to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven” (v. 20).

Many wise and learned people have searched for the hidden truth behind life’s meaning. That answer requires divine revelation. Jesus embodied that revelation and he shared it with his disciples. Those who see the kingdom of God revealed fully in Jesus Christ are truly blessed.

We become part of that joyful throng of disciples when we share Christ, proclaim his kingdom, and reveal him through our deeds and words to a world that so desperately needs to see.


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