Our Example

June 30th, 2011

RG AUDIO 063011

1 Peter 3:13-22

As followers of Christ we are called to live a lifestyle of holiness. Our strength comes not from our church attendance or religious routines, but rather from a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. He is our Example.

Are people falsely accusing you? Are they slandering your name? Are they treating you unfairly? You have an Example who knows exactly what you are going through.

Not only does Jesus know what you are going through right now, he is the One who has made it possible for us to be in a full relationship with God. “Christ died for sins”; we needed it–He provided it “once for all,” nothing else was needed. He has already done all that needs to be done.

False accusations? Slander? Unfair treatment? Jesus is familiar with all that. Remember today that he has been where you are, and you can be grateful for what he has done.


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