The Sign Is You!

April 18th, 2011


Luke 17:20-37

Everybody is looking for a sign. Jesus reminds us that there is no sign of his kingdom to which we can point. Rather, the kingdom of God is within us or among us. This inward aspect of his kingdom relates to individuals allowing Christ to reign in their hearts. There is also an outward aspect. The kingdom of God is also the collective response of his people living out the values of God’s heart to a hurting and broken world. His values of love, justice, and compassion shared with a world filled with hate and despair become a sign of Christ’s kingdom.

As a pastor in Los Angeles, Brad was told by a homeless man who had started attending church how he had been hurt by Christians and wasn’t ready to trust God. He said, “I’m not ready to trust God yet, but because I can see your love for the people of skid row, I can at least trust you.” As the world looks for a sign, remember that the sign is you or me!


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