Compassionate Boldness
February 21st, 2011
2 Corinthians 10:1-5
Meekness is not weakness. The world teaches that we must be tough and strong, that we cannot afford to show any sign of vulnerability, especially when facing criticism and opposition. Not so with those who follow Christ’s example. For a faithful follower of Christ, meekness is one of the signs of spiritual strength. It is a sign of compassionate boldness.
The apostle Paul faced this question as he responded to criticism from the believers in Corinth. For some, the expectation was that he was going to allow them to bully him because he was a timid and meek person. On the contrary, he clearly told them that a disciple of Christ does not react the way the world does–superficially. Paul knew that there is divine power in gentleness, spiritual depth, and compassion.