Joy For Your Soul

December 19th, 2010


Isaiah 12:1-6

Have you known a bright, sky-blue perfect day? The day began with the sun gently waking you, and you felt rested. The day quickly filled with good and pleasing experiences. All day you had a spring in your step and buoyant joy flooded your heart. You felt all was well and right. You enjoyed a deep sense of hope and contentment in your circumstances. In the evening as you prepared to rest, you realized you had just lived through a great day.

Wouldn’t it be amazing if every day was perfect? Reality harshly reminds us not every day is perfect. Most days seem to be rather routine. Most days are a mixture of joy and sorrow, triumph and tragedy, hope and fear.
So, how do we have joy when our days seem less than perfect? Trust in the Lord. The result of trusting the Lord for salvation brings joy.

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One Response to “Joy For Your Soul”

  1. Cecil L. Jones Says:

    December 19th, 2010 at 4:36 am

    I liked the old way you had daily devotions, this way I can’t print for our family’s daily devotions. We used the other way a lot of times, it worked out very well. It was less complicated, too.

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