Blessed With Integrity
October 11th, 2010
Psalm 24:1-10
David begins his psalm with the declaration that everything is the Lord’s. A life based on purity and integrity is hinged on this central truth of life. I don’t choose to do what is right because it is always easy or because I want to. I choose a life of integrity because there is a God in heaven who owns the universe.
My life is an expression of how I choose to relate to this One who has the world in His hands. If I choose to embrace a character dominated by purity of heart, I am choosing a life that expresses a love for God.
David is honest about our inability to rise to God’s standard through our own strength. It takes clean hands and a pure heart to draw near to God. If we had to provide such righteousness for ourselves, we would be as good as dead.
However, we are lifted up by the King of Glory. Our righteousness is delivered as a blessing from His hand. We are able to choose integrity because God has made it possible through Christ. Our job is to seek His face.