God Opens Doors
September 12th, 2010
Psalm 103:1-22
“Guess what,” Rhonda exclaimed. “I have a job in the church!”
She had always been proud when one of her seven children played the piano, sang a special, taught a Sunday School class, or preached a sermon, but felt she had no talents or skills useful for the church. Because she could not read or write well, she had never been asked to teach a Sunday School class, read Scripture, take attendance, or do anything in church. However, the new pastor had given her a job. As people enter the church, she asks for prayer requests, and then shares the requests at prayer time. God had opened a door of ministry.
God is looking for willing workers. When we feel we have no talents, God opens doors and uses us. He doesn’t condemn us because we have fears. He made us and knows our limitations, yet gives us the necessary tools and gifts to make us effective in doing His will.