Through The Spirit

May 28th, 2023

Zechariah 4:1-7

God is the source of His people’s strength and is the One acting on their behalf when they are victorious. From the moment they came out of Egypt, God’s people were tempted to rely on their own strength, cunning, or political power, when in fact, there would have been no victories if God had not acted on their behalf. 

The problem is, God’s people continually forgot this vital point. When they replaced the providence of God with earthly power, might, or bigger and better weapons of war, they were committing a particularly sneaky form of idolatry. They were putting someone or something else in God’s spot as Lord and Redeemer.

I think sometimes Christianity in our neck of the woods has become so fixated on power and winning and victory that it loses sight of the point of this passage from Zechariah: God accomplishes God’s will through the Spirit, not through exercise of raw earthly power or strength. We mustn’t forget this. If we do, we are making the same mistake the people of God repeatedly made back in Old Testament times, and we will see the same result.

Author: Mark Hendrickson

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