God’s Amazing Gift

July 9th, 2022

RG AUDIO 070922


Ephesians 2:1-10

Have you ever been totally amazed by an unexpected gift? Nora and her husband went through some rough years with sudden unemployment and cancer diagnoses. One Sunday morning a couple in their Sunday School class slipped them a card. Later, when opened, they found inside ten one hundred dollar bills! It was a gift of grace, given from hearts of love.

Our heavenly Father knew we all were going to need a great deal of help. Jesus became one of us, living a life of righteousness and love. On the cross He bore the guilt and penalty for our sins. Did we deserve it? No. Could we ever repay it? No!

Salvation is only received as a gift initiated by God’s grace. This is grace, undeserved love and mercy, from the Father. It offers the salvation we desperately need. We receive this grace when we trust in the saving work of Jesus. It is free and offered to all. Why? Because God loves us so very much!

Author: Nora Brush

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