A Cleansed Conscience

July 4th, 2022

RG AUDIO 070422


Hebrews 9:11-18

“I called them liars and hypocrites, then I said I would never be back again. I stomped out of the church and have never been back. That was over 45 years ago.” For some time Alma wept as I prayed.

“Do you think God will ever forgive me?” she asked. I looked at her tears, her red and swollen eyes, “I think He already has. ‘If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness’” (1 John 1:9). She thought, then asked, “How can I go back and face those people? What will I say? What will I do?” I pondered her question, “I don’t know. Let’s ask God. He will show you what is right.”

The next Sunday I stood beside Alma at the front of the sanctuary. She visibly trembled as she read from a small piece of paper in her hand, “God has told me to do three things: Ask your forgiveness, read a poem I’ve written, and then speak a blessing over you.” She did them all. Once again a conscience was cleansed as she served the living God!

Author: Duane Brush


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