In Awesome Wonder

June 11th, 2022

RG AUDIO 061122


Psalm 8:1-9

We who live in an age of space exploration and unprecedented knowledge still marvel at the incalculability of a starry night.  We’re brought low by the titanic significance of an endless horizon; even the most cynical among us are carried to the brink of the holy when we contemplate the cosmos.

How much more, then, did the Psalmist feel the weight of human insignificance in the face of a vast night sky? The lyrics to this ancient song so captured the human condition that a thousand years later the author of Hebrews would recall its head-shaking wonder: “What is mankind that you are mindful of them, human beings that you care for them?” (Psalm 8:4).

We are invited to step into the extraordinary secret of Genesis: that the very God who created all also creates human beings in His own image, loves us, and crowns us with glory. We are significant because we are loved; we love because He has made us significant.

Author: Tara Thomas Smith

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