Eternal Life for the Persecuted

June 2nd, 2022

RG AUDIO 060222


Hebrews 1:10—2:4

Have you ever panicked at just how long eternity is? I did, when I was a child. Death and hell sounded bad, but there was a certain way in which eternity sounded . . . long.

For many people, eternity in the presence of God is such an inverse of the struggle this world offers. Many readers of the original letters of the New Testament did not simply “lack privilege,” they were outright oppressed and persecuted. Eternity represented an end of suffering and fear. Death was a very daily possibility, not a medical occurrence that would happen some day, but not soon.

Eternity is God’s full redemption and “yes” to those who have struggled, tasted death, and lived under fear. When God reigns in full, the anxieties of our days will be overwhelmed. For many of our brothers and sisters, this idea is a soothing balm.

A good devotional practice for me, when I think of eternity, is to pray for those for whom the toils of this life feel like an unending eternity. I am excited to see and dwell with Jesus! But, I am more excited, still, for them.

Author: Timothy Brooks

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