
May 22nd, 2022

RG Audio 052222


2 John 1:1-13

Love is the defining characteristic of one who follows Jesus. When we love God, we obey Him. Love is not motivated by fear or legalism, but by relationship.

True followers of Jesus live out of love, and that those who are actively working against Jesus (antichrist) are not living out of love.

We must be wise about who we are following. Even now there are many people who declare messages of legalism, fear, or urge us into subtle idolatries. If the motivation is power, control, or anything other than love, we should be very wary of that leadership.

This text reflects John 13:35 as well “By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another.” The way that we can discern those who are following Christ, including leaders, is by the way they love one another. This is the way others will know we are disciples as well, so we must learn to love well.

Author: Robbie Cansler


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