God’s Deliverance

March 23rd, 2022



Psalm 34:1-7

A couple of years ago, a husband lost his job unexpectedly. He and his wife were caring for another family in their home, in addition to their young son, and his wife was pregnant with their second child. It was an overwhelming and fearful time for them.

The wife sat weeping at the dining room table, wondering how they were going to pay for food, let alone medical bills, when she got a notification on her phone. A dear friend had sent them some money to help them out. She cried harder.

They made it through that season with money in the bank, in ways that they don’t understand and can’t explain, except for God and the people of God loving and providing for them. Their fears were dispelled because God mobilized the His people to care for they. They were delivered from their fears.

God delivered David from his fears, in this Psalm in a very different way, he was freed because he acted insane in front of Abimelek. God’s deliverance isn’t always immediate, and it isn’t always in the ways we expect, but God does desire our deliverance. God is with us through it all.

Author: Robbie Cansler

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One Response to “God’s Deliverance”

  1. Gloria Townsend Says:

    March 23rd, 2022 at 10:53 am

    I cannot even
    All the times
    And ways
    God has delivered
    me. Things that cannot be explained. Thank you

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