Devoted Service

February 10th, 2022

RG AUDIO 021022


1 Corinthians 16:10-18

1 Corinthians 16 is a “roll call” of fruitful servants. Paul writes the names of five different people who are giving themselves to the work of the kingdom of God.

Paul mentions Stephanas with deep appreciation. He and his family were the first converts in Achaia and were serving the Lord’s people faithfully. He and two companions had visited Paul, encouraging and supplying for his needs. God’s people, serving one another in love and faithfulness, leave the aroma of Christ wherever they go.

It must never be lost on us that our place in the kingdom of God, our participation in the work of the gospel, is always a product of the service of others who went before us. The gospel came to us because others were faithful. It is never enough just to receive. Our great privilege is to join in service to Jesus Christ and His kingdom in grateful appreciation for what has come to us through the faithful service of generations of those who have gone before us. Don’t break the chain!

Author: Jesse Middendorf


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