A Change of Mind

February 2nd, 2022

RG AUDIO 020222


Mark 8:31-38

It is impossible not to align myself with Peter in the encounter of Mark 8 with Jesus. I just cannot imagine keeping quiet if my beloved teacher spoke of giving in to the oppressors and allowing them the upper hand. Certainly we could come up with a plan of escape or a method of counterattack! There must be another way!

But then comes that hot, stinging rebuke. It cuts to the quick.  Peter and I have not yet aligned our thoughts with what matters to God. With God there is no escape; there is no attack. It is all self-giving love. The practice of Christ-like discipleship is letting go of all of our efforts toward winning and our pursuit of a successful life. Instead, disciples of Jesus give themselves over to the saving work of God in the world, taking up a cruciform life for the sake of the gospel.

It turns out that following Jesus in the world where we live is opposed to living life according to the world. They are as contrary as losing life to save it.

Author: Lori Ward

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