The Better Way

November 1st, 2020

RG AUDIO 110120


Proverbs 3:1-6

On this All Saints Day, take time to reflect on all of those who have gone before us and led us in the way of Christ. My dad is the saint who showed me the way. He instilled in me the importance of serving God, the church, and in loving his family. His legacy of love and faithfulness is carried with me, my siblings, and their children. He will be remembered for generations as one whose life was characterized by love.

Proverbs 3 shares this bit of wisdom: making love and faithfulness a priority will lead to generational influence. When love and faithfulness mark our lives and relationships, we are willing to seek instruction and trust in God’s loving kindness.

A life marked by an absence of love and faithfulness will quickly become bitter and angry because there is nothing solid to hold onto. God wants us to follow the better way: to trust God and to allow God to grow within us love and faithfulness for Him as well as others around us.

What will be your legacy?

Author: Carol Rittenhouse

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