An Ever-Present Help

October 29th, 2020

RG AUDIO 102920


1 Timothy 5:1-10

My dad was in his last few weeks of life this side of heaven. As cancer devastated his body and mind, my family and I were left with the daily responsibilities for his care we could never have imagined before that awful diagnosis.

It was lonely and isolating. During those days I became aware of God’s presence every, single day.

The widow in 1 Timothy 5:5 had a difficult life. She apparently had no relatives to care for her. She was alone. Or was she? Finding herself in an impossible circumstance she did the only thing she could do. She relied continually on God’s provision. While it was completely within God’s ability to rain bread out of the heavens and water from rocks, God instead provided for the widow’s needs through His church.

Just as the widow needed to depend on God’s continued help, so must the church. Without a consistent, daily outpouring of God’s grace, how will the church know where to serve? May we never be so reliant upon our own understanding that we lose the ability to depend on God.

Author: Carol Rittenhouse


One Response to “An Ever-Present Help”

  1. Marcela Says:

    October 29th, 2020 at 9:38 am

    AMEN! HE is our stronghold. Let us always run to him and not depend on ourselves and find peace and serenity in His Presence. He has things under control.
    “The name of the Lord is a strong tower; the righteous run to it and are safe.” Psalm 18:10

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