Freedom In Love

June 20th, 2020

RG AUDIO 062020


2 Corinthians 6:14-18

Christians in Corinth fought against a popular belief that the body and the spirit were two separate entities; culture said one could be “spiritual” on the inside while the body enjoyed the lifestyle of pagan Corinth. They wanted it both ways, without boundaries.

Love, however, requires boundaries; love asks us to make sacrifices. Paul writes to the church in Corinth reminding the believers that their belief in Christ should be seen in their everyday lives. God cannot exist only on the inside; our relationship with God must be lived out.

Paul reminds the church in Corinth of the words from the Old Testament scriptures as the people of God also sought to live out the ways of God in the world.

The Christians in Corinth were no longer under the law and yet their freedom was governed by love for Christ, who is Love himself. Paul asked the believers in Corinth—and us today—what does it mean to live a life governed by the love of God?

Author: Sarah Coker-Voigt


One Response to “Freedom In Love”

  1. Tim Johnston Says:

    June 20th, 2020 at 12:40 pm

    Thank you for the daily devotionals. I have been enjoying them for years. My question is I am not able to pull
    up the daily scripture by tapping on it as I was able to do before. Is there a new way to bring up the daily scripture? Thank you again, God-bless you.
    Tim Johnston

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