Hope Beyond Death

May 21st, 2020

RG AUDIO 052120


Acts 2:22-32

It was a frozen February morning in Drexel, Missouri. Mark & Stefanie were pastoring a small church in a small town. They gathered that morning at the cemetery to say goodbye to a newborn baby born prematurely. He was one of set of twins. His brother lived. He did not. The cold wasn’t the only thing making them numb that day. His mother was a single parent whose only church affiliation was that her grandmother went to their church. They asked Mark to conduct a graveside funeral for this little one.

Death bit us to the core that morning. Standing there at that grave, Mark quickly realized he did not have a lot to say. He had no catchy phrases or easy answers. All he had was the hope offered in passages like this one: If the Father can raise Jesus from the dead by the power of the Holy Spirit, He can raise us, too. And He can raise this little one in the end.

That Word got them through that day. It will get us through until the day when the resurrection will once and for all put death to death.

Author: Mark Hendrickson

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One Response to “Hope Beyond Death”

  1. Marcio Jose do Espirito Santo Says:

    May 21st, 2020 at 10:18 am

    Palavra realmente vinda do Espirito Santo que sempre nos conforta e consola em meio as dores!
    que deus sempre esteja contigo em nome de Jesus!!!!!

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