At The Ready

October 14th, 2019

RG AUDIO 101419


Acts 8:26-40

Philip, an enthusiastic and active member of the early church, served as one of the seven people chosen to oversee the care of widows (Acts 6:3-6). But Philip’s spiritual gift was evangelism. After Stephen’s death, persecution forced many believers from Jerusalem, and Philip was soon sharing the gospel in Samaria. Then a message from heaven changed his plans.

When the angel gave Philip his marching orders, Philip did not consult his calendar to see if the assignment would fit into his schedule. He did not check out transportation services to see if he could even get there. He simply went.

The angel gave Philip specific instructions as to where to go, but not why. Philip trusted God to show him the next step on a need-to-know basis. Not only was Philip ready at God’s command, but the Spirit had prepared the Ethiopian’s heart to receive the message from him.

At the beginning of the day, do we tell God our plans and ask His blessing, or do we say with Samuel, “Speak, for your servant is listening” (1 Samuel 3:10b)?

Author: Karen Hiner


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