God Is Our Savior

August 19th, 2018

RG AUDIO 081918


Psalm 79:1-13

God is holy and can have nothing to do with sin. Yet he created humanity to have fellowship which was broken when sin entered the world. Reconciliation and redemption are at the heart of God’s character. When God offers us salvation he is giving us the incredible gifts of eternal life and fellowship with God. Salvation restores us to that fellowship for which we were created.

Psalm 79 emphasizes that our part in the salvation story is small. God has always gone the greater distance. Living as a saved people we point others to God. We are not saved so that we have a spot reserved in heaven when we die. We are saved so that we can become living examples of God’s love and power in this world. We are saved in order to continue God’s kingdom mission here on Earth. What is that mission? Bringing hope, restoration, and reconciliation to a broken world—offering them the opportunity to meet the God who can save them as well.

Author: Carol Rittenhouse


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